Thursday 23 November 2023

Rabbit shoot

Sometimes I'll do something a little different, and photograph actual humans, with a pulse and everything. I mean, they are literally everywhere. I might as well do something with them, right? 
So I decided to do a photoshoot with my good friend Alice, which makes it more of a collaboration, really. Alice does surreal photographs wearing this creepy rabbit mask, and I do the urban exploring. Let's combine the two into some kind of bonkers rooftop bonanza!

I'm not entirely sure if there's any "lore" to Alice's rabbit photo project, but I sort of envision it as a type of cryptid or SCP. The rabbit is a creature that people might see out of the corner of their eye. Blink and the rabbit is gone.

Obviously, in the real world it's just Alice in a mask, but it's fun to play with concepts.


And then, Alice took a photo of me wearing the rabbit head, and looking somewhat more sinister. I sort of look like an extra from that horror-themed Winnie the Pooh movie.
And just to wrap it all up, I'll include a few that I took without the mask.

Creativity and posing aside, sometimes it's good to go candid, and just photograph people enjoying the fuck out of life. 
For me, rooftopping also evokes a sort of "separate world" vibe, not so much in the literal sense, but more in line with the China Mieville novel, "the city and the city," where two distinct cities inhabit the same geographical space, but are depicted as separate based on the perception of the inhabitants. The rooftopper sees a succession of secret worlds, mere inches away from the public and their version of the town, completely oblivious that rooftoppers exist.
But it's a good hobby that costs nothing, harms nobody, brings about a great feeling of escapism, and combines an appreciation of the urban landscape with creative problem solving. It's also really therapeutic if you have a lot of stress, and just need to direct that energy somewhere. Some folks hit the gym. I hit the rooftops. I should probably see a therapist, but this is way more fun.

So my next blog will be a return to normality as I talk about an abandoned military thing with a dead horse inside for some reason. I think the one after that is a military thing too, but that one has a boat. It's going to be awesome!

If you want to see more of Alice and her lovably creepy rodent head, be sure to follow the Instagram where she posts those photos. If you want to stay up to date with my ridiculous shittery, give my social media thingies a follow. I'm active on Instagram, although with my reach awfully reduced, you'd never think that. I'm also active on Facebook, a happy part of that 15% that isn't a grumpy boomer, and you can find me on Vero, Reddit, Twitter and Threads for some reason.
Thanks for reading!

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